Marken Welten

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Marken Welten

Social Media Marketing Industry Report

Der aktuelle Report (leider nur in englisch) widmet sich folgenden Fragen:

  • Die 10 wichtigsten Fragen: The top 10 social media questions marketers want answered: We analyzed nearly 700 open-ended responses and summarized all the major questions that marketing pros want answered.
  • Zeitaufwand: The time commitment: We examined the weekly hours marketers invest in their social media efforts. This analysis will be helpful for marketers just getting started.
  • Vorteile im Social Media Marketing: The benefits of social media marketing: This rather beefy section reveals all the major advantages marketers are achieving with their social media efforts. We also looked at how time invested and experience enhances the achieved benefits.
  • Typische Werkzeuge: Commonly used social media tools: Wondering which social media tools marketers are using the most? Those questions are answered, along with an examination of what the most experienced folks are using.
  • Die neuesten und interessantesten Werkzeuge: Social media tools people want to learn more about: In this section, we examine the up-and-coming tools that marketers are most interested in learning about.
  • Weitere Analysen: Other analysis: We also analyzed how age, gender, experience, business type and weekly time commitments impact all of the above findings.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

  • Die drei wichtigsten Fragen: Top three questions marketers want answered: (1) What are the best tactics to use, (2) how to do I measure the effectiveness of social media and (3) where do I start?
  • Allseits beliebt, aber erst seit kurzer Zeit im Einsatz: Marketers are mostly new to social media: A significant 88% of marketers surveyed are using social media to market their businesses, BUT 72% have only been doing so for a few months or less.
  • Zeitaufwand zwischen 5 und 10 Stunden: How much time does this take? A significant 64% of marketers are using social media for 5 hours or more each week and 39% for 10 or more hours weekly.
  • Vorteile sind Öffentlichkeit, Zugriffe und neue Partner: The top benefit of social media marketing: The number-one advantage is generating exposure for the business, indicated 81% of all marketers, followed by increasing traffic and building new business partnerships.
  • Top- Tools sind Twitter, Blogs, LinkedIn und Facebook: The top social media tools: Twitter, blogs, LinkedIn and Facebook were the top four social media tools used by marketers, in that order.
  • Upcoming: social bookmarking und Twitter: Social media tools marketers most want to learn about: Social bookmarking sites were ranked of highest interest, followed closely by Twitter.

Der Report (ca. 6MB, vor allem viele, viele Charts) kann hier geladen werden. Und hier gibt es eine kurze Einführung.