Marken Welten

Blog über Kommunikation, Mensch, Technologie und Organisation

Marken Welten

Web 2.0 Expo Europe Blogger Roundtable

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[Links auf „Roundtable“ klicken – Zeit von 11.oo Uhr bis 12.12 Uhr auswählen]

Meine Favoriten:
– Tim: a lot of smart CEOs are basically community managers, Johnathan Schwartz and more #w2eb #ceo; By frogpond (Martin Koser)
– „it’s all been about community engagement“
– „web 2.0 is the shift of the network as a platform“

Die Berlinblase hat live gebloggt, am besten auf der Website klicken. Hier ein Auschnitt:

tim: the early stages of a market are the attractive ones
by jkleske at 12:00 PM
tim: in the beginning nobody at google thought about money
by jkleske at 12:00 PM
q: are startups to much focused on the money?
by jkleske at 11:59 AM
tim: if you love what you do you gonna do it even if nobody pays you
by jkleske at 10/22/2008 9:58:37 AM11:58 AM
tim is getting excited about the possibilities of people with passion
by jkleske at 10/22/2008 9:58:28 AM11:58 AM
tim: my first book was 100 copies
by jkleske at 10/22/2008 9:58:28 AM11:58 AM
if barack obama wins, it could help reinvent how we think about goverment and it
by igor at 10/22/2008 9:54:50 AM11:54 AM
tim: it could be a defining moment for us in which our understanding of how goverment works might change
by jkleske at 10/22/2008 9:54:45 AM11:54 AM