Wikinomics – Wirtschaft 2.0
Don Tapscott – Wikinomics
Zusammenfassung der Rede auf der Web 2.0 Expo, November 2007 Berlin
Das Web 2.0 ist deutlich mehr, als ein „Mitmach-Web für witzige Videos und Fotos“ – eine Bezeichnung, die irrtümlich und dümmlich ist. Web 2.0 bedeutet eine fundamentale Richtungsänderung im Web und damit auch in den Unternehmen, im Marketing und der Gesellschaft.
Das Internet hat in den letzten Jahren nicht nur einen bedeutenden Teil der Welt und der Wirtschaft, sondern auch sich selbst grundlegend verändert. Vor allem der Wechsel von hmtl auf XML hat dynamische, offene Anwendungen ermöglicht.
Geschäft 1.0 bedeutet „Content“, also Inhalte und Ideen und deren Vermarktung im klassischen Mediendenken. „Geschäftsmodelle 1.0“ sind massiv von „Geschäftsmodellen 2.0“ verdrängt worden. Beispiele?
– MTV wurde als Anbieter von Musikvideos von MySpace verdrängt, wo sich Bands, Ihre Musik und Ihre Videos selber darstellen und direkt mit Ihren Fans vernetzen. Einen Mittler a'la MTV braucht es da nicht mehr.
– Kodak EasyShare hatte gegen Flickr keine Chance.
– (Partnerseite) wurde von Facebook geschlagen.
Es geht vor allem um die Denkweise, nicht um die Technologie. So hat der Besitzer einer Goldmine in Web 2.0 Art den Wert seines Unternehmens von 90Mill. US$ auf 10Mrd.US$ gesteigert.
Die Wesenszüge der „neuen neuen“ Wirtschaft:
1. Peer in
2. Open ideas
3. Prosumers
4. Science of Sharing
5. Open Plattforms
6. Global plant flour
>> Don Tapscott, Video der Rede auf Sevenload
Vollständiges Transcript:– Web 2.0 means the biggest Change for Corp. the last centuries
– „YOU“ = Person of the year; Time Magazine
– Toronto: 3Mil. People / 800.000 from Toronto in Facebook
– social networking now is social production
(now: rom social content to social transaction)
– the reason for everything is the switch form html (Content = Websites) -> xml
(computation of content)
– web now is a huge global computer
– also generational revolution -> his 11 year old son used the „Hubble Telescop“ via the web.
– Technology like air – it's just there
– they use less TV and that different
– coming home: Computer allways on – reading, organizing, communicating a.s.o. – there brains are wired different then by the generation before
– the 11 year old is an authority!! guiding the parents to something that changes the world
– „e-Mails like yesterdays technology and a „formal technology“ only good for elder like friends parents“; instead: facebook
– people are massivly time-shifting from TV; if you are the CEO of an ad agency thats the scariest thing you ever seen
– students teaching the teacher about the web; the oldest 12 year old
– with 16 sold a website with 20Mill. visitors a month
– next company: – networks for kids that will change the world
– Kodak was beaten by Flickr (Photos)
– MTV beaten by MySpace (Music- Video: Contentprovider beaten by Own Content and Community; now 45.000 Bands there)
– beaten by Facebook
– some Blogs are even bigger then Mainstream Media
– his son created a Facebook Community for his book Wikinomics
– grew very fast… 130 member in 7 countries with country coordinators within days incl. CIO of the community
– Kids contributed and found „error“
-> selforganization
– economic revolution: fundamental change for the nature of cooperations
– steps: ressource allocation – transaction costs – costs of search – costs of coordination aso are cheaper within a corporation then in an open market
– the extended enterprise – companies unbundled into networks
– peers not only network but produce socially – real time
– Peer production: software, browser, applications software (150.000 apps), mutual fund, bank, motorcycle
– social revolution and economic revolution: the early days of a very profound change
– example „Gold Corp.“ – Gold mining company
– transformed Linux & Open Source Model into goldmining
– Gold Corp Challenge: for the first time the geographic data for gold where published
open on the web
– 77 submission from everywhere in the world, used technichians he never heard of
– for 500.000 US$ Price money he found gold for 3.4 Mrd. US$
– market value of the company raised from 90 mill. US$ to 10 Mrd.US$
– Principles of Wikinomics
– 1. peer in (everyone can be a peer – example goldmining: chemists, computer 3d design …)
– „we is smarter then me“ – book written by 1000 people with a wiki
– establish trust via online
– 2. ideas (?) (around 36min)
– open markets for ideas and innovation
– half of P&G innovations comes from outside the company end 2007
– 3. Prosumers
– turning customer into a producer
– second life
– designer build a 30 year old avatar – he is around 60 – for the 18 year old 30 was very old…
– 2008 will be the year when the record industry collapses
– grey album (mix of the Beatles white and the JayZ black album – both albums were sold much more but the mixer was put in jail)
– „Doritos“ customer produced ads for the SuperBowl
– T-Shirts
– 4. Science of Sharing
– KillerApp for Wikinomics: maybe Saving the planet
– 5. Open Plattforms
– Amazon API opened – tons of programmers started to work with it
– BBC – co-create the BBC
– 6. the global plant flour (around 38min30sec)
– suppliers for Boing became Peers
– best aircraft ever made – while Airbus in trouble
– BMW the same, co-creation of ingeneurs
– be prepared for the 1000€ Open Source Car coming from China
– Leadership is a personal opportunity for everybody if he wished
– the model for the web has changed as the model for enterprises too
– Time has come for web 2.0 and profound changes in the nature of the corporation
Auf receiver gibt es ein guten artikel zu
Wikinomics – Harnessing collaboration outside and inside the corporation. Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams in receiver magazine