Cluetrain – 10 Jahre danach
Das Cluetrain Manifest und seine vier Autoren haben radikale Veränderungen für das Marketing vorhergesagt und eine Welt der Gespräche angekündigt. Sie lagen damit unglaublich richtig und sie haben immer noch viel zu sagen. Die folgenden zwei Artikel von der Konferenz Cluetrain @ 10 halte ich deswegen für sehr lesenswert.
Zum einen das Beispiel von Lego und wie das Unternehmen lernte zuzuhören, zum anderen Doc Searls, einer der Cluetrain Autoren.
„Jake McKee told us the incredible story of what Lego was like before engaging with AFOLs (adult fans of Lego), and how it changed as a result of his introduction of those fans to the company.“
Doc Searls:
1. Advertising as we know it will die.
2. Herding people into walled gardens and guessing about what makes them „social“ will seem as absurd as it actually is. (Facebook is his example.)
3. We will realize that the most important producers are what we used to call consumers. (Yup.)
>> weiterlesen – Cluetrain 10+: Lego
>> weiterlesen – Cluetrain 10+: Doc Searls
>> Cluetrain 10+Die Erfahrungen von Lego:
„engaged kid spends about $25 per year. AFOLs spend on average $2000.“
„Lego is a creative medium“ — the AFOL's central idea. – Lego is a creative medium“
First step: don't respect the hierarchy.
Second: use tenacity and get air cover (Hartnäckigkeit)
Third: get the company to come down from its ivory tower.
Fourth: there are no secrets.
Fifth: don't hold your breath. Change takes time.
Sixth: the answers are not within the company.
Die Aussagen von Doc Searls
1. Advertising as we know it will die.
2. Herding people into walled gardens and guessing about what makes them „social“ will seem as absurd as it actually is. (Facebook is his example.)
3. We will realize that the most important producers are what we used to call consumers. (Yup.)
4. The value chain will be replaced by the value constellation. (Many connections.)
5. „What's your business model?“ will no longer be asked of everything. (What's the business model for your kids?)
6. We will make money by maximizing „because effects“. („Because effects“ are what happen when you make more money because of something than with it.) E.g. search and blogging.
8. We will be able to manage vendors at least as well as they manage us. (Agreements between companies and customers shouldn't be skewed in favor of the companies – vendor relationship management -)
10. We'll marry the live web to the value constellation. (The Live Web isn't just about stars. Relationships of anybody to anybody.)
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